

Dexteritas Investment Management B.V. is registered as manager with the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).

Responsible investment / ESG

The investment process at Dexteritas includes a consideration of key ESG and sustainability criteria. Dexteritas Investment Management is a signatory of Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI).

Note that our funds invest in relatively small companies, which most often will not operate at the forefront of ESG-policy implementation. However, Dexteritas aims to carefully screen its clients and promote the (gradual) improvement of standards. Dexteritas assesses ESG factors and monitors progress per investment.

Principles for Responsible Investment

Source Attribution

The copyright for texts and images on this website belongs to Dexteritas Investment Management B.V.

Some of the photos on this website have been used with permission from the photographer, for which we are grateful.

page photo credits
Homepage The Hague Gerrit Vermeulen
Homepage stairs Alex Rodríguez Santibáñez
Investment Strategies glass bulb Rohan Makhecha
Team Amsterdam Maxime Galliot
Investors Scheveningen Shyam
News The Hague Gerrit Vermeulen
Contact Zeelandbrug Hilbert Simonse

SFDR disclosure

Dexteritas Investment Management will take into account any material adverse consequences that sustainability risks could have on the success of its investments. For that purpose, Dexteritas will in its consideration of each investment decision weigh any identified and assessed sustainability risks among all other potential risk and success factors applicable on the envisaged investment, with due regard to the Fund's investment policy and objectives. By means of a questionnaire and score card Dexteritas aims to visualize and discuss these risks with the prospect’s management and (if it comes to an investment) annually revise its existing ESG appreciation of the applicable investment.

Dexteritas does not expect at forehand that its investments will (when compared with other risk factors) be oversensitive to sustainability risks nor that within the group of sustainability risks, certain specific risks will dominate.

Dexteritas aims to carefully screen its clients and promote the (gradual) improvement of standards. Furthermore, Dexteritas will prepare internal ESG reports and monitor progress per investment, inter alia via the annual revision mentioned above.

However, the Fund will finance relatively small companies, which most often will not operate at the forefront of ESG-policy implementation. For that reason, Dexteritas is not in a position to consider, in the way as set forth in article 4 of the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 (SFDR), potential adverse impacts of its investment decisions on environmental matters and other sustainability factors.

The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. However, Dexteritas will on a continuing basis re-assess its position in this respect, thereby taking into account the expected further crystallization and development of both the applicable rules and available (monitoring and reference) tools.