Debtwire, a leading provider of data, news and analysis on the global credit markets has ranked Dexteritas at the top of the Benelux Direct Lending league table in Q1 2021.

Dexteritas leads Debtwire league table

Debtwire measured deal activity by number of investments (including add-on investments) in the Benelux, from both Direct Lending and Credit Opportunities debt funds.

Dexteritas has closed 5 new investments in the last twelve months (excluding several follow-on investments in existing portfolio companies). At a time when traditional lenders have retracted from the market, Dexteritas has continued to finance Dutch companies with attractive investment opportunities. Since the launch of our fund in 2019, our unique approach to lending in the Dutch market has been well received by both borrowers and advisors.

Dexteritas Investment Management manages the 'Dexteritas Dutch Credit Opportunities Fund', a private debt fund focussed on Dutch lower mid-market companies. We provide flexible financing solutions and capital structures, highly tailored towards the specific requirements of each situation, for both sponsored and non-sponsored companies.

For more information about Dexteritas or the Debtwire league table report, please contact our team below.


For more information about Dexteritas:

Dexteritas Investment Management
Lange Voorhout 11
2514 EA Den Haag

Contact: Folef Hooft Graafland

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